#IdleNoMore Photobook
#IdleNoMore by Nadya Kwandibens | Make Your Own Book
16 Jan 2013 in Events, Features, by
Idle No More – Ottawa March/Rally
Red Works’ coverage of the “Idle No More” March from Victoria Island to the Rally at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, January 11, 2013. For more information about the #IdleNoMore Movement, please visit: www.idlenomore.com Image requests can be sent using the Comments section at the end of this post. March from Victoria Island
11 Jan 2013 in Events, Features, by
Idle No More – Ottawa March/Rally
Red Works’ coverage of the “Idle No More” March from Victoria Island to the Rally at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, December 21, 2012. For more information about the #IdleNoMore Movement, please visit: www.idlenomore.com Image requests can be sent using the Comments section at the end of this post. March from Victoria Island
22 Dec 2012 in Events, Features, by
Feature: CBC 8th Fire
8th Fire is a highly anticipated documentary series on CBC TV, Radio & CBC.ca premiering next month. RWS founder & photographer Nadya Kwandibens is featured in Episode 2 “It’s Time” which airs January 19 & 20, 2012: “Nadya Kwandibens is Anishinaabe and French from the Northwest Angle #37 First Nation in Ontario. She is based in Toronto and much of her work explores the identity of urban Aboriginal people as illustrated in her popular Concrete Indians photography series…” [ read more ] www: cbc.ca/doczone/8thfire Facebook: 8thfire Twitter: #8thfirecbc YouTube: CBC Doc Zone: 8th Fire – Preview [ Photo: A video still from Episode 2 “It’s Time” ]
Feature: CTV First Story
Boozhoo/ Greetings RWS Friends & Fans! Something exciting came in the mail this past week from the fine folks at CTV BC – a DVD copy of the CTV First Story episode Nadya was featured in. Footage in the episode, which was broadcast nationally February 20th, was shot during two visits to Vancouver BC during Nadya’s last Summer/ Fall Tour, then during the 2011 Talking Stick Festival. The episode is also archived online on the CTV website: Watch: CTV First Story Episode Title: “Gateway & Drew Hayden Taylor” Feature Runtime: 6:00 mins Starts @ 17:00 mins Now in its 13th season, CTV First Story features the best stories in art, culture, and people making a difference in Aboriginal Canada. First Story is a proud Winner of two National and Provincial RTNDA Adrienne Clarkson Diversity awards. For more episodes, visit: www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/firststory
03 Apr 2011 in Features, Interviews, by
Video ★ CBC TV: Urban Aboriginals
Last week, Nadya met with some CBC TV crew for an interview about what it means to be Native and living in a city, such as Toronto. The series of vignettes features urban Aboriginals from across Canada, and originally aired on Tuesday’s episode of Connect with Mark Kelley, April 6th. Watch: Aboriginal Life in the City Runtime: 3:06 mins The features, including some coverage on The National, were launched with the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study; “researchers interviewed 2,614 status and non-status First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in 11 cities across Canada: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Ont., Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and Ottawa (Inuit only), between March and October 2009. The study was launched to examine “the attitudes of native Canadians who call the city home.” For more information about the Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study, visit: www.cbc.ca
National Exposure via THIS Magazine
Nadya is featured in This Magazine, which hit bookstores across Canada last week, with a profile written by Lisa Charleyboy, titled: Turning the lens on Aboriginal urbanites with “Concrete Indians.” Here is an excerpt from online edition: “Nadya Kwandibens stepped off a Greyhound bus from Phoenix, Arizona, in Kenora, Ontario, in November 2006 with only her camera and her computer. During the two-and-a-half-day trip, her suitcase, containing all her belongings, had been misplaced at a transfer point in Omaha. She lost her clothing, her native powwow jingle dress, and sacred ceremonial items, like her smudge bowl and an eagle feather her aunt gave her. ‘I was broke, tired, hungry, happy, angry, frustrated, and nearly crying,’ she says. ‘I was standing there by the bus…'” Find out which Concrete Indians are featured! ► Read More
27 Nov 2009 in Articles, Features, by
The Heron by Louie Gong ★ 8th Gen
So my buddy Louie sent a pair of 8th Gen kicks a few months back …featuring his most stellar, vibrant, original artwork. I was so stoked when they arrived, and immediately tried ’em on. These (along with all his other designs) are one-of-a-kind, custom made shoes… and the first pair w/ the Heron design. I was waiting for the right time to photograph, the right mood. Here are the results of the recent shoot. (click images to view larger) Since launching 8th Gen thousands have connected with Louie’s artwork.  8th Gen has been featured in Indian Country Today, on CBC Radio, and countless newpaper articles, blogs, and social-networking sites.  If you haven’t heard of 8th Gen yet, here’s a bit of background info re: his approach: When I started putting my art on shoes a few months ago, I had no idea it would lead to a facebook page with over a 1000 fans (now 2000!) in just a few weeks and my first small business. I just wanted to create something that represented me, a person who celebrates the dynamic realities of modern life while maintaining a strong cultural identity. It turns out that many people are also drawn […]
[mhr] studios | Showcase
Mark Rutledge approached me back in June about doing a feature of my work for a new series on his website that highlights Aboriginal photographers, illustrators, painters and designers. Red Works is honoured to be the first featured artist in this monthly showcase. Chi-miigwech/ thank you very much, Mark for this opportunity! To read the feature visit: www.mhr-studios.com
05 Sep 2009 in Features, by