Last week, I was in Thunder Bay, Ontario to attend the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund‘s (NADF) Business Awards, held October 21st. NADF is an aboriginal owned and controlled organization delivering business and financial services to the member First Nations of Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Launched in 1991 and held annually, the Business Awards recognizes the outstanding commitment, dedication and contributions of the growing Aboriginal and Métis business community in northern Ontario. This year marked NADF’s 19th gala event.
In the days prior to leaving I had rushed around getting business docs and info sent off to awards selection committee. Everything came together just in the nick of time! Upon arriving in Thunder Bay I was so tired! I went to the hotel, had a quick bite to eat in the hotel restaurant, back up to the room, ironed my shirt, then… slept. Time passed… and passed. I must have been really tired, because I slept a good 4 hours and woke up with 15 mins to get ready! I did the quick 5 min make-up routine, called the cab and was off in 10 mins flat!
I was told I was to be recieving the Neechee Achievement Award, but upon finding my table and talking with the sponsors for my award, I learned I was to recieve the Youth Entrepreneur of the Year! I was a bit shocked, honoured and humbled all at once. I want to take this time to thank NADF, friends and family who have supported my endeavours with my art and business over the past year.
L-R: David Paul Achneepineskum (Exec. of the yr), Nadya Kwandibens (Youth Entrepreneur of the yr), Kevin Connor (Building Communities), Adolf Rasevych (Dev't Corp. of the yr) & Darcy Kejick (Businessman of the yr)
Check out these links for more info:
NADF: + Facebook + Twitter
Wawatay News:
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