2010 Promotional Video
Red Works Studio is currently developing the 2011 Promotional Video! It will be launched in conjuntion with our 2011 Summer/ Fall Tour! If you’d like to request your city to be on one of this year’s tours, please visit the 2011 Tour page and submit your city request! Baamaaminawaa, Original Post Date: July 2010 Red Works Studio ► Promo III from Red Works Studio on Vimeo. Music: “We Are” – Digging Roots Video Production: Ricardo/ Rico Amezquita Red Works Studio (RWS) offers a wide range of photographic services to meet your needs. We are available for sessions throughout North America. Check out the ► 2010 Photo-Session Tour + email info@redworks.ca Repost Video: Copy/ Paste the video embed code:
01 Jan 2011 in Inspiration, News + Updates, by
Concrete Indians 2010 ★ Portrait Submissions
Since its first inception in May 2008, the response to this series has been overwhelming; Native people from across Turtle Island have been submitting their ideas regarding what it means to be urbanized and how living in urban centers either strengthens or weakens (or both) ones own cultural identity. The concept is “Urban Indian” and “Native Identity”. Rather than the photographer be the source of ideas through which the concept is explored, YOU share what it means to you by submitting a ► photo idea. The series is cinematic, all images are converted to large-scale black & white portraits, and will also be launched as a travelling exhibit visiting reservations/ reserves, and cities throughout Canada and U.S.A. See more “Concrete Indians” ————————————————————-★ BE A CONCRETE INDIAN ★————————————————————- To take part in the 2010 photo-session tour, send the following information along w/ a CONCRETE IDEA, to via either our contact form, or: Email ► concrete.indians@gmail.com ◄ Subject: “Concrete Indians Submission” ● Full Name ● Nation/ Affiliation ● Home Community/ First Nation ● Current Location/ City ● Idea(s) Note: All sessions require signing a Release Form prior to shooting which grants the photographer permission to place the images within her portfolio(s) + […]
09 Apr 2010 in Inspiration, Photo Series, by
Indigenous Arts Network
Last year Nadya was interviewed by the Indigenous Arts Network (IAN), a website that showcases contemporary indigenous art from a wide range of disciplines across Canada, namely theatre, writing, film and video, music, new media, dance, craft/ design, visual art and communication. Other artists featured on the website are: Billy Merasty, Michael Greyeyes, Zacharias Kunuk, Terrance Houle, Tracey Deer and many others. IAN is an initiative of the Association for Native Development in the Performing & Visual Arts (ANDPVA). “Success to me means inspiration, being able to inspire other people. That’s when I know I’ve done my job, and at times it can be draining to have to constantly be that, but you keep going and you keep doing it. Because it is reciprocal, people inspire me to do the work that I do. This land we live in, this city that we live in, the country, you know what I mean? It’s reciprocal, it’s all reciprocal.” Full Interview: indigenousartsnetwork.ca/artists/nadya_kwandibens
01 Apr 2010 in Inspiration, Interviews, by
NADF Business Awards
Last week, I was in Thunder Bay, Ontario to attend the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund‘s (NADF) Business Awards, held October 21st.  NADF is an aboriginal owned and controlled organization delivering business and financial services to the member First Nations of Nishnawbe Aski Nation.  Launched in 1991 and held annually, the Business Awards recognizes the outstanding commitment, dedication and contributions of the growing Aboriginal and Métis business community in northern Ontario. This year marked NADF’s 19th gala event. In the days prior to leaving I had rushed around getting business docs and info sent off to awards selection committee.  Everything came together just in the nick of time!  Upon arriving in Thunder Bay I was so tired!  I went to the hotel, had a quick bite to eat in the hotel restaurant, back up to the room, ironed my shirt, then… slept.  Time passed… and passed.  I must have been really tired, because I slept a good 4 hours and woke up with 15 mins to get ready!  I did the quick 5 min make-up routine, called the cab and was off in 10 mins flat! I was told I was to be recieving the Neechee Achievement Award, but upon finding […]
29 Oct 2009 in Events, Inspiration, News + Updates, by
The Heron by Louie Gong ★ 8th Gen
So my buddy Louie sent a pair of 8th Gen kicks a few months back …featuring his most stellar, vibrant, original artwork. I was so stoked when they arrived, and immediately tried ’em on. These (along with all his other designs) are one-of-a-kind, custom made shoes… and the first pair w/ the Heron design. I was waiting for the right time to photograph, the right mood. Here are the results of the recent shoot. (click images to view larger) Since launching 8th Gen thousands have connected with Louie’s artwork.  8th Gen has been featured in Indian Country Today, on CBC Radio, and countless newpaper articles, blogs, and social-networking sites.  If you haven’t heard of 8th Gen yet, here’s a bit of background info re: his approach: When I started putting my art on shoes a few months ago, I had no idea it would lead to a facebook page with over a 1000 fans (now 2000!) in just a few weeks and my first small business. I just wanted to create something that represented me, a person who celebrates the dynamic realities of modern life while maintaining a strong cultural identity. It turns out that many people are also drawn […]